Application Process IR-Integrated

We are thrilled to invite motivated and passionate candidates to apply for the University of Arizona’s Interventional Radiology Integrated Residency Program. Our program provides a dynamic training environment aimed at developing the next generation of leaders in the ever-expanding field of Interventional Radiology. Please find all the information you need to navigate the application process. We participate in the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP), and all applications are processed through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). 

Currently Open

Three (3) PGY II positions for NRMP match for beginning the following year (after clinical year).


  • Selected candidates will be contacted for interviews via email starting early October of the current year.
  • Interviews are scheduled October through January.

Preliminary Year (PGY I)

The required Preliminary Year (PGY I) positions are independent of our program and candidates must apply for these separately. Please note that Sugery is preferred. Available PGY I positions in Tucson are:

Type Location Area Contact
Preliminary Year College of Medicine-Tucson General Surgery Residency  Jessica Taylor, Program Manager
Preliminary Year College of Medicine-Tucson Internal Medicine Residency Mary Gosciminski, Program Manager
Transitional Year Tucson Medical Center Health Medical Education (THMEP) Transitional Residency Jennifer Sammons, Program Coordinator
Transitional Year Northwest Healthcare Transitional Residency Jessica Brooks, Program Coordinator

Application Requirements​

  • ERAS application
  • Curriculum Vitae formatted to include month/year for all educational and employment periods; please address any gaps in time.
  • Personal Statement
  • Photo
  • Medical School Transcripts
  • Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)
  • Three (3) current letters of recommendation (LOR), dated no more than 12 months prior to the application date. Each letter should be on official letterhead and signed by the reference giver.
  • Pass on The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 and Step 2 with a minimum score of 250
  • ECFMG certificate (for IMG)


The deadline for complete applications through ERAS: November 1, of the current year. Please note that only completed aplications will be reviewed by the University of Arizona Radiology Residency Selection Committee.

Next Steps

Applicants who are invited to interview at our program will meet with the Program Director, and three faculty members on the Residency Selection Committee. The Committee finalizes the match list after reviewing all of the applicants' materials and interview evaluations. The program does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, age, or any other discriminatory factors. Our department proudly collaborates with the College of Medicine - Tucson Office of Access Community and Belonging

Please note, if you receive an interview for Interventional Radiology Integrated, and not for one of the preliminary programs, and are interested in interviewing with one of these programs, please contact Ina Rios before December.

Reach Out

Ina Rios, C-TAGME
Program Coordinator, Senior
Department of Medical Imaging
(520) 626-1640


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University of Arizona - Medical Imaging