After images are acquired, they are often processed or analyzed by a computer algorithm for various purposes (tomographic reconstruction, image correction or enhancement, or information extraction), and if they are to be used by human observers they must be presented on some type of display device. The Department of Medical Imaging has active research in all of these areas, covering image formation, qualitative analysis, evaluation and quantitative measures of structures at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ levels. Our overall goal is to facilitate cost efficient healthcare and improve patient outcomes through innovations in medical imaging. To achieve this we develop, optimize and validate advanced computational and data integration methods to analyze medical image data and create clinical decision tools that will permit quantitative clinical decision making solutions consistent with advances in personalized medicine. We also have a long-standing display evaluation program, assessing the impact of the various ways complex medical images and data are presented to clinicians on their ability to render accurate and reproducible diagnoses.
Areas of Research