Research Opportunities

The University of Arizona Department of Medical Imaging has long been recognized for excellence in translational and basic science imaging research. In the 1970s this story began with the inspirational vision of M. Paul Capp, MD, Professor Emeritus and our founding Department Chair, to create a picture archiving computer system or PACS

Critical to our role in cutting edge medical imaging research is the continued participation of our radiology residents and fellows within our many research endeavors. Since the very beginning, our residents and fellows have been invested in a multitude of research projects, covering all of the various disciplines of medical imaging. Radiology trainees from the University of Arizona commonly present their work at national and international conferences, publish peer reviewed manuscripts, and receive interdepartmental seed grants which hold great promise for eventual extramural funding. 

Program Design

All residents are expected to have some level of research involvement during their time in the program. While some residents may elect to satisfy the minimal requirements as detailed by the American Board of Radiology, a select group of residents may wish to pursue a more extensive level of research involvement. For these enthused residents, the department offers the flexibility to create an individualized research track that can include anywhere from 6 months to 12 months of dedicated research time. By generating a research plan tailored to the resident’s individual interests, this approach is designed to maximize the resident’s invested time and promises a greater likelihood of success. For those residents pursuing such an intensified research plan, there are expectations that certain metrics of success will be achieved including manuscripts, presentations at national and international conferences, and application for intramural and extramural funding.

While every effort will be made to support these residents, the overall emphasis of their residency training will remain the maturation of highly skilled diagnostic and interventional radiologists. If a resident demonstrates difficulties with clinical work, the program director, the resident, and the resident’s mentor will generate a plan to ensure the mastered competency of all the required radiology clinical skills.

Research Day

A valuable part of our curriculum, Research Day is an annual event intended to spur interdisciplinary collaboration and provide valuable presentation experience.

Held during the spring semester, Research Day is a lunchtime event showcasing research conducted by Diagnostic Radiology and Interventional Radiology Residents as well as Radiology Fellows.  

Everyone is welcome to attend. Participants submit their research prior to the event. On the day of the event, lunch is served followed by participant presentations in a three-minute format, and audience Q and A. The in-house panel of judges meets afterwards to determine the outcome, and the winners are announced during the June graduation event. Top research projects are awarded up to $1000.00 by Dr. Paul Capp, a tradition that began nearly ten years ago. Research Day 2024 was held in person at DuVal Auditorium. View our YouTube channel to see a sampling of previous research day presentations.


If you are interested in research, contact our Senior Program Manager Janet Black when applying to the program to express your interest in the research pathway. This will ensure that a specialized itinerary will be prepared for your interview day.

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