Hagio, T., J-P. Galons, D. Roe, M. T. Marron, C. Thomson, P. Thompson, A. T. Stopeck, A. Bilgin, M. I. Altbach, and J-T. Alan Chiang, "Concurrent water T and fat fraction mapping of the breast using the radial gradient and spin echo (RADGRASE) pulse sequence.", Magn Reson Imaging, vol. 118, pp. 110355, 2025 Feb 05.
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Jandova, J., J-P. Galons, D. L. Dettman, and G. T. Wondrak, "Systemic deuteration of SCID mice using the water-isotopologue deuterium oxide (D O) inhibits tumor growth in an orthotopic bioluminescent model of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.", Mol Carcinog, vol. 62, issue 5, pp. 598-612, 2023 May.
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Jandova, J., J-P. Galons, D. L. Dettman, and G. T. Wondrak, "Abstract 6306: Pharmacological deuteration of SCID mice using the water-isotopologue deuterium oxide (D2O) inhibits tumor growth in bioluminescent models of human malignant melanoma and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma", Cancer Research, vol. 83, issue 7, 04/2023.
Bustos, R. Zapata, D. K. Coletta, J-P. Galons, L. B. Davidson, P. R. Langlais, J. L. Funk, W. T. Willis, and L. J. Mandarino, "Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and mitochondrial protein content predict insulin sensitivity and fuel selection during exercise in human skeletal muscle.", Front Physiol, vol. 14, pp. 1208186, 2023.
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Berry, D. B., V. L. Galinsky, E. B. Hutchinson, J. P. Galons, S. R. Ward, and L. R. Frank, "Double pulsed field gradient diffusion MRI to assess skeletal muscle microstructure.", Magn Reson Med, vol. 90, issue 4, pp. 1582-1593, 2023 Oct.
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Li, Z., Z. Fu, M. Keerthivasan, A. Bilgin, K. Johnson, J-P. Galons, S. Vedantham, D. R. Martin, and M. I. Altbach, "Rapid high-resolution volumetric T mapping using a highly accelerated stack-of-stars Look Locker technique.", Magn Reson Imaging, vol. 79, pp. 28-37, 2021 Mar 17.
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Keerthivasan, M. B., J-P. Galons, K. Johnson, L. Umapathy, D. R. Martin, A. Bilgin, and M. I. Altbach, "Abdominal T2-Weighted Imaging and T2 Mapping Using a Variable Flip Angle Radial Turbo Spin-Echo Technique.", J Magn Reson Imaging, 2021 Jul 13.
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Galons, J. P., "Editorial for “Relative Enhanced Diffusivity in Prostate Cancer: Protocol Optimization and Diagnostic Potential”", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 51(6), 03/2020.
Seckeler, M. D., L. Moedano, D. Mustacich, B. T. Kalb, M. Saranathan, J-P. Galons, and M. H. Witte, "Non-contrast MR lymphography of rare lymphatic abnormalities.", Lymphology, vol. 53, issue 3, pp. 136-140, 2020.
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Lorza, A. M. Arias, H. Ravi, R. C. Philip, J-P. Galons, T. P. Trouard, N. A. Parra, D. D. Von Hoff, W. L. Read, R. Tibes, R. L. Korn, et al., "Dose-response assessment by quantitative MRI in a phase 1 clinical study of the anti-cancer vascular disrupting agent crolibulin.", Sci Rep, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 14449, 2020 09 02.
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Ding, J., A. T. Stopeck, Y. Gao, M. T. Marron, B. C. Wertheim, M. I. Altbach, J-P. Galons, D. J. Roe, F. Wang, G. Maskarinec, et al., "Reproducible automated breast density measure with no ionizing radiation using fat-water decomposition MRI.", J Magn Reson Imaging, vol. 48, issue 4, pp. 971-981, 2018 Oct.
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Blew, R., T. Lohman, V. Lee, MI. Altbach, JP. Galons, S. Going, J. Bea, and M. Hetherington-Rauth, Validation of pQCT-Derived Thigh Adipose Tissue Sub-Compartments in Young Girls Using a 3T MRI Scanner, 2018.
Li, Z., A. Bilgin, K. Johnson, J-P. Galons, S. Vedantham, D. R. Martin, and M. I. Altbach, "Rapid High-Resolution T Mapping Using a Highly Accelerated Radial Steady-state Free-precession Technique.", J Magn Reson Imaging, 2018 Aug 24.
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Thomson, C. A., H. H. Sherry Chow, B. C. Wertheim, D. J. Roe, A. Stopeck, G. Maskarinec, M. Altbach, P. Chalasani, C. Huang, M. B. Strom, et al., "A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of diindolylmethane for breast cancer biomarker modulation in patients taking tamoxifen.", Breast Cancer Res Treat, vol. 165, issue 1, pp. 97-107, 2017 Aug.
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Pandey, A., U. Yoruk, M. Keerthivasan, J-P. Galons, P. Sharma, K. Johnson, D. R. Martin, M. I. Altbach, A. Bilgin, and M. Saranathan, "Multiresolution imaging using golden angle stack-of-stars and compressed sensing for dynamic MR urography.", J Magn Reson Imaging, vol. 46, issue 1, pp. 303-311, 2017 Jul.
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Russell, G., K. D. Harkins, T. W. Secomb, J-P. Galons, and T. P. Trouard, "A finite difference method with periodic boundary conditions for simulations of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance experiments in tissue.", Phys Med Biol, vol. 57, issue 4, pp. N35-46, 2012 Feb 21.
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Harkins, K. D., J-P. Galons, J. L. Divijak, and T. P. Trouard, "Changes in intracellular water diffusion and energetic metabolism in response to ischemia in perfused C6 rat glioma cells.", Magn Reson Med, vol. 66, issue 3, pp. 859-67, 2011 Sep.
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Harkins, K. D., J-P. Galons, T. W. Secomb, and T. P. Trouard, "Assessment of the effects of cellular tissue properties on ADC measurements by numerical simulation of water diffusion.", Magn Reson Med, vol. 62, issue 6, pp. 1414-22, 2009 Dec.
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Morse, D. L., J-P. Galons, C. M. Payne, D. L. Jennings, S. Day, G. Xia, and R. J. Gillies, "MRI-measured water mobility increases in response to chemotherapy via multiple cell-death mechanisms.", NMR Biomed, vol. 20, issue 6, pp. 602-14, 2007 Oct.
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Galons, J. P., C. Job, and R. J. Gillies, "Increase of GPC levels in cultured mammalian cells during acidosis. A 31P MR spectroscopy study using a continuous bioreactor system.", Magn Reson Med, vol. 33, issue 3, pp. 422-6, 1995 Mar.
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