We invite you to the 13th Annual Frontiers in Immunobiology/Immunopathogenesis Symposium.
The Symposium will be held on campus on Friday, March 9th, 2018. A highlight of the Symposium is the poster session, and we encourage poster abstracts from anyone wishing to share their research.
Registration is required for this free event and can be done online.
Please make every effort to attend and participate in this day-long event which every year brings together researchers from across campus with broad interests in Immunobiology and Immunopathogenesis for stimulating scientific interactions.
This year’s Symposium will feature plenary lectures by:
Virology-Dr. Stacey Schultz-Cherry, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Immunology-Dr. Jessica Hamerman, University of Washington
Bacteriology-Dr. Alison Criss, University of Virginia
Joyce Wu, Ph.D., and the Symposium Organizing Committee
BIO5/Keating, Room 103