In Press
Woodhead, GJ., RA. Avery, and PH. Kuo, Extraosseous Findings and Mechanisms of Uptake in NaF-18 PET/CT, In Press.
Brunson, C., L. Struycken, D. Schaub, J. Ref, D. Goldberg, J. Hannallah, G. Woodhead, and S. Young, "Comparative outcomes of trans-arterial radioembolization in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis/non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-induced HCC: a retrospective analysis.", Abdom Radiol (NY), 2024 May 06.
PMCID: 8527415
Abramyan, A., D. Schaub, S. Kalarn, Z. Fitzgerald, D. Goldberg, J. Hannallah, G. Woodhead, and S. Young, "Including the bowel within the iceball during cryoablation: a retrospective single-center review of adverse events.", J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2024 Oct 28.
Insel, M., T. El Aini, G. Woodhead, R. Wig, S. Kubba, G. Claessen, E. Howden, and F. Rischard, "Post Pulmonary Embolism Phenotypes Described by Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing.", Chest, 2024 Sep 03.
A, K., K. M, M. L, H. C, and W. G, "QoL and Survival of Catheter-Directed Therapy for Intermediate-Risk PE: A Single-Center, 5-Year Analysis", Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, vol. 53, issue Supplement, pp. 572, 08/2023.
Young, S., A. Abamyan, D. Goldberg, J. Hannallah, D. Schaub, S. Kalarn, Z. Fitzgerald, and G. Woodhead, "Cryoablation in the liver: how accurately does the iceball predict the ablation zone?", Abdom Radiol (NY), 2023 Nov 30.
Babiker, H. M., M. D. Kay, C. Stuehm, G. Woodhead, and P. H. Kuo, "A Pilot Study of F-18 Fluciclovine-PET/CT as a Diagnostic Tool for Bone Metastases in Patients With Castrate Resistant Prostate Adenocarcinoma and Correlative Analysis of Blood and Bone Molecular Testing (The FACT Study).", Oncologist, 2023 Aug 24.
PMID: 37616280
Young, S., J. Hannallah, D. Goldberg, T. Sanghvi, J. Arshad, A. Scott, and G. Woodhead, "Friend or Foe? Locoregional Therapies and Immunotherapies in the Current Hepatocellular Treatment Landscape.", Int J Mol Sci, vol. 24, issue 14, 2023 Jul 14.
PMCID: PMC10380625
Goldberg, D., G. Woodhead, J. Hannallah, and S. Young, "Role of the Interventional Radiologist in the Treatment of Desmoid Tumors.", Life (Basel), vol. 13, issue 3, 2023 Feb 26.
PMCID: PMC10057839
Struycken, L., G. Woodhead, D. Goldberg, J. Hannallah, and S. Young, "Transarterial Radioembolization of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: A Dose Threshold Study", JVIR, 03/2023.
Brunson, C. P., H. J. McGregor, C. T. Hennemeyer, M. V. Patel, G. J. Woodhead, and S. J. Young, "Measurement of the Tumor to Normal Ratio for Radioembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Prospective Study Comparing 2-D Perfusion Angiography, 99mTc-MAA, and 90Y SPECT/CT.", J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2023 Sep 30.
Struycken, L., M. Patel, P. Kuo, C. Hennemeyer, G. Woodhead, and H. McGregor, "Clinical and Dosimetric Implications of Calculating Lung Shunt Fraction for Hepatic Y Radioembolization Using SPECT/CT Versus Planar Scintigraphy.", AJR Am J Roentgenol, vol. 218, issue 4, pp. 728-737, 2022 Apr.
Babiker, H., E. Borazanci, V. Subbiah, S. Agarwala, A. Algazi, J. Schachter, M. Lotem, C. Maurice-Dror, D. Hendler, S. Rahimian, et al., "Tilsotolimod exploits the TLR9 pathway to promote antigen presentation and Type 1 IFN signaling in solid tumors: A Multicenter International Phase I/II trial (ILLUMINATE-101).", Clin Cancer Res, 2022 Aug 02.
McGregor, H., L. Weise, C. Brunson, L. Struycken, G. Woodhead, and D. Celdran, "Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation to Occlude the Thoracic Duct: Preclinical Studies in Swine for a Potential Alternative to Embolization.", J Vasc Interv Radiol, vol. 33, issue 10, pp. 1192-1198, 2022 Oct.
Struycken, L., H. McGregor, M. Patel, P. Kuo, C. Hennemeyer, and G. Woodhead, "Abstract No. 34 Planar scintigraphy overestimates hepatopulmonary shunt fractions compared with quantitative SPECT/C", JVIR, vol. 32, issue 5, 2021.
Struycken, L., and et. al, "Planar scintigraphy overestimates hepatopulmonary shunt fractions compared with quantitative SPECT/CT", JVIR, 05/2021.
McNiel, D., C. Hennemeyer, G. Woodhead, and H. McGregor, "Gallbladder Cryoablation: A Novel Option for High-Risk Patients with Gallbladder Disease.", Am J Med, vol. 134, issue 3, pp. 326-331, 2021 03.
Caskey, J. S., M. D. Kay, N. A. McMillan, P. H. Kuo, and G. J. Woodhead, "Miscalculated Lung Shunt Fraction for Planning of Hepatic Radioembolization.", J Nucl Med Technol, vol. 48, issue 2, pp. 184-186, 2020 Jun.
McGregor, H., G. Woodhead, C. Hennemeyer, and M. Patel, "Percutaneous Translumbar Inferior Vena Cava Filter Retrieval", Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology , vol. 31(4), 02/2020.
McGregor, H., C. Brunson, G. Woodhead, M. Patel, and C. Hennemeyer, "Caudal Migration and Endovascular Retrieval of Two VIATORR CX Stent Grafts during Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Placement", Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology , vol. 31(3), 03/2020.
McGregor, H., G. Woodhead, M. Patel, A. Khan, J. Hannallah, D. Ruiz, M. Conrad, A. Tang, and C. Hennemeyer, "Gallbladder Cryoablation for Chronic Cholecystitis in High-Risk Surgical Patients: 1-Year Clinical Experience with Imaging Follow-up.", J Vasc Interv Radiol, vol. 31, issue 5, pp. 801-807, 2020 May.
McGregor, H., G. Woodhead, M. Patel, A. Khan, and C. Hennemeyer, "Gallbladder Cryoablation for Chronic Cholecystitis in High-Risk Surgical Patients: 1-Year Clinical Experience with Imaging Follow-up", Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, issue 31(5), 04/2020.
"Chapter 4: Lines, tubes, and drains", Pocketbook of Clinical IR A Concise Guide to Interventional Radiology, New York, Thieme Medical Publishers, 2019.
Hennemeyer, C., A. Khan, H. McGregor, C. Moffett, and G. Woodhead, "Outcomes of Catheter-Directed Therapy Plus Anticoagulation Versus Anticoagulation Alone for Submassive and Massive Pulmonary Embolism.", Am J Med, vol. 132, issue 2, pp. 240-246, 2019 02.
McGregor, H., G. Woodhead, M. Conrad, A. Tang, D. Ruiz, A. Khan, and C. Hennemeyer, "First in-Human Gallbladder Cryoablation in a Patient with Acute Calculous Cholecystitis Initially Treated with a Cholecystostomy Tube.", J Vasc Interv Radiol, vol. 30, issue 8, pp. 1229-1232, 2019 Aug.
C, H., G. Woodhead, and C. Moffet, "Catheter-directed management for pulmonary embolism versus medical management: the new interventional radiology STEMI", J Vasc Interv Radiol, vol. ;29(4):S98-S99, 2018.
Woodhead, G., H. Babiker, C. Miller, and A. Shah, "Right tumor, right time: Systematic methodology for fiducial marker placement to achieve reliable and reproducible image guided (IG) delivery of intratumoral immunotherapy into deep/visceral (D/V) lesions and target-lesion imaging follow-up", Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 36, 05/2018.
Woodhead, G. J., R. J. Avery, and P. H. Kuo, "Atlas of Extraosseous Findings Detected by 18F-NaF PET/CT Bone Scan.", Clin Nucl Med, vol. 42, issue 12, pp. 930-938, 2017 Dec.
Woodhead, G., P. Devis, S. Black, E. Krupinski, R. Jinday, B. Kalb, D. Martin, and CT. Hennemeyer, Oral Presentation - Society of Interventional Radiology 2014 San Diego, CA - Systematic MRI Characterization of Tissue Outcomes Following Irreversible Electroporation of Hepatic Tumors., 2014.
Emerson, M., G. Woodhead, S. Desoky, and D. Gilbertson-Dahdal, An Introduction to PPB: A Case Report of Pleuropulmonary Blastoma, 05/2014.
Zhang, J., G. J. Woodhead, S. K. Swaminathan, S. R. Noles, E. R. McQuinn, A. J. Pisarek, A. M. Stocker, C. A. Mutch, N. Funatsu, and A. Chenn, "Cortical neural precursors inhibit their own differentiation via N-cadherin maintenance of beta-catenin signaling.", Dev Cell, vol. 18, issue 3, pp. 472-9, 2010 Mar 16.
PMCID: PMC2865854 PMID: 20230753
Woodhead, G. J., C. A. Mutch, E. C. Olson, and A. Chenn, "Cell-autonomous beta-catenin signaling regulates cortical precursor proliferation.", J Neurosci, vol. 26, issue 48, pp. 12620-30, 2006 Nov 29.
PMCID: PMC2867669 PMID: 17135424