Wayne Kubal, MD

Professor Emeritus, Medical Imaging, Neurology and Neurosurgery

Wayne Kubal, MD, is a Professor Emeritus of Medical Imaging and Neurosurgery. His primary focus has been on traumatic and emergent neuroradiology. His undergraduate physics major (Princeton University) combined with a Diagnostic Radiology Residency (University of Wisconsin) and Two-year Neuroradiology Fellowship (University of Utah) contribute to his expert neuroradiologic evaluations of traumatized and emergent patients.  He has also earned a certificate from the Academy of Radiology Leadership and Management (ARLM).

Dr. Kubal is a Gold Medalist and Fellow of the American Society of Emergency Radiology (ASER) and has served as President of the Society and on numerous committees throughout his career. He continues to provide lectures during annual ASER meetings. Dr. Kubal also presents regular educational courses at the American College of Radiology (ACR) Education Center and at the annual meetings of the Radiologic Society of North America (RSNA) and the American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS). He has published numerous journal articles and co-edited a textbook of emergency radiology. He continues to be invited as visiting professor at many of the leading academic programs.  He has been honored as one of the ‘Top Doctors in Tucson’ and as one of ‘America’s Most Honored Doctors’.  He is listed in "Who's Who in Health and Medicine”. He is certified by the Academy of Radiology Leadership and Management (ARLM).

Working in an academic medical center has afforded Dr. Kubal the opportunity to teach fellows, residents, and medical students. His role as educator has been an important one and it has been particularly gratifying for him to follow the successes of former trainees. Dr. Kubal proudly served as director of the neuroradiology fellowship program and led the journal club for radiology residents in the Department of Medical Imaging. He continues to be a mentor to junior faculty, fellows, resident, and medical students at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.


Research Interests: 

Traumatic brain injury Traumatic spinal cord injury Acute stroke Infections of head, neck, and spine.

  • MD: University of Wisconsin,1978 (class President)
  • AB: Physics, Princeton University, 1973
Honors and Awards
  • American Society of Emergency Radiology, Fellow of the Society, Past President of the Society, Gold Medal Recipient
  • Listed in "Who's Who in Health and Medicine," 2013
  • Outstanding Contribution to Emergency Radiology, American Society of Emergency Radiology, 2011
  • RSNA "Faculty Development Workshop," invited by RSNA, July 2010
  • Outstanding contribution to Emergency Radiology, American Society of Emergency Radiology, 2010
  • Outstanding Teacher Award, Yale University, Department of Radiology, 2009
  • Diagnostic Radiology, University of Wisconsin,1983
  • Neuroradiology, University of Utah,1986
Board Certifications
  • National Board of Medical Examiners Parts I, II, III
  • American Board of Radiology (oral and written), 1983
  • Certificate of Added Qualifications in Neuroradiology, 1995
  • Maintenance of Certification in Neuroradiology, 2006

Select Publications

In Press

Nael, K., and WS. Kubal, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Acute Stroke", Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America, vol. 17, issue 1, In Press.


BA, W., N. EA, and K. WS, "Imaging Acute Face and Neck Infections", Applied Radiology, 05/2020.


Choudhary, G., K. Ahuja, R. Khan, and W. Kubal, "Bilateral persistent primitive hypoglossal artery presenting with hemiplegia.", Radiol Case Rep, vol. 13, issue 5, pp. 1072-1075, 2018 Oct. PMCID: PMC6137901 


AF, C., S. DR, K. WS, and et. al, American College of Radiology Self-Assessment Module: Neuroradiology Head and Neck, 2017.


Nael, K., and W. Kubal, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Acute Stroke.", Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am, vol. 24, issue 2, pp. 293-304, 2016 May.
DS, K., K. WS, B. S,, and et. al, American College of Radiology Self-Assessment Module: Emergency Imaging, 2016.
Erly, W. K., J. L. Becker, R. Inampudi, S. John Hur, K. Nael, and W. S. Kubal, "Fractures of the posterolateral maxillary sinus: a masticator space blowout injury?", Emerg Radiol, vol. 23, issue 5, pp. 439-42, 2016 Oct.


Nael, K., B. Mossadeghi, T. Boutelier, W. Kubal, E. A. Krupinski, J. Dagher, and J. P. Villablanca, "Bayesian estimation of cerebral perfusion using reduced-contrast-dose dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion at 3T.", AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, vol. 36, issue 4, pp. 710-8, 2015 Apr. PMCID: PMC4513939  PMID: 25430859
Kubal, WS., "Face and Neck Infections: What the Emergency Radiologist Needs to Know", Radiologic Clinics of North America, vol. 53, 07/2015.
Nael, K., B. Mossadeghi, T. Boutelier, WS. Kubal, EA. Krupinski, J. Dagher, and JP. Villablanca, "Bayesian Estimation of Cerebral Perfusion Using Reduced-Contrast-Dose Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion at 3T", American Journal of Neuroradiology, vol. 36, issue 4, 2015.
Becker, J., W. Kubal, S. Hur, R. Khan, R. Inampudi, R.(3) Carmody, and D.(2) Gilbertson-Dahdal, The Utility of a Rapid 13-Minute MRI Protocol for Evaluation of the Pediatric Brain Following Intracranial Trauma, 2015.
Erly, W., J. Becker, R. Inampudi, S. Hur, K. Nael, and W. Kubal, Masticator Blow-out Fracture, a Previously Unappreciated Fracture of the Lateral Maxillary Sinus, 2015.
Hur, S., A. Bhowra, L. MacKinnon, H. Albasha, W. Kubal, E. Krupinski, J. Becker, K. Nael, and W. Erly, Comparison of Radiology Trainee Interpretations and Attending Neuroradiologist Interpretations of Stroke MRI Studies, 2015.
Kubal, W. Scott, "Face and Neck Infections: What the Emergency Radiologist Needs to Know.", Radiol Clin North Am, vol. 53, issue 4, pp. 827-46, ix, 2015 Jul.
Becker, J., W. Kubal, S. Hur, R. Khan, R. Inampudi, R. Carmody, D. Gilbertson-Dahdal, R. Buckner, and K. Nael, "The Utility of a Rapid 13-Minute MRI Protocol for Evaluation of the Pediatric Brain Following Intracranial Trauma", American Society of Neuroradiology: American Society of Neuroradiology, 04/2015.


MA, M., and K. WS, "Traumatic Brain Injury", Mirvis SE, pp. p. 20-39, 2014.
Meshksar, A., and W. Kubal, "Intracranial Hemorrhage", Mirvis SE, pp. p. 53-68, 2014.
Meshksar, A., WS. Kubal, SE. Mirvis, WS. Kubal, K. Shanmuganathan, JA. Soto, and JS. Yu, "Intracranial Hemorrhage", Problem Solving in Emergency Radiology , Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier Health Sciences, pp. 53-68, 2014.
Meyer, MA., WS. Kubal, SE. Mirvis, WS. Kubal, K. Shanmuganathan, JA. Soto, and JS. Yu, "Traumatic Brain Injury", Problem Solving in Emergency Radiology , Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier Health Sciences, pp. 20-39, 2014.
Kubal, WS., "Traumatic Brain Injury: Imaging Update", ARRS In Practice, vol. 8, issue 2, 03/2014.


Betts, A. M., J. L. Ritter, and W. S. Kubal, "Reversible delayed posthypoxic leukoencephalopathy after drug overdose: MRI findings in a collection of patients.", Emerg Radiol, vol. 19, issue 2, pp. 165-73, 2012 Apr.
Nawas, M. T., W. S. Kubal, and P. H. Kuo, "Decreased cerebellar activity on FDG PET/CT secondary to diffuse idiopathic cerebellar calcification.", Clin Nucl Med, vol. 37, issue 9, pp. 906-7, 2012 Sep.
Collins, J. M., A. K. Krishnamoorthy, W. S. Kubal, M. H. Johnson, and C. S. Poon, "Multidetector CT of temporal bone fractures.", Semin Ultrasound CT MR, vol. 33, issue 5, pp. 418-31, 2012 Oct.
Kubal, W. S., "Updated imaging of traumatic brain injury.", Radiol Clin North Am, vol. 50, issue 1, pp. 15-41, 2012 Jan.


Weeks, D. F., D. S. Katz, P. Saxon, and W. S. Kubal, "Lemierre syndrome: report of five new cases and literature review.", Emerg Radiol, vol. 17, issue 4, pp. 323-8, 2010 Jul.


Kubal, W. S., "Imaging of orbital trauma.", Radiographics, vol. 28, issue 6, pp. 1729-39, 2008 Oct.


Sheikh, S. F., W. S. Kubal, A. W. Anderson, and P. Mutalik, "Longitudinal evaluation of apparent diffusion coefficient in children with neurofibromatosis type 1.", J Comput Assist Tomogr, vol. 27, issue 5, pp. 681-6, 2003 Sep-Oct.


FA, M., K. WS, and B. CC, "Improving the Imaging Diagnosis of Cervical Spine Injury in the Very Elderly: Implications of the Epidemiology of Injury", Emergency Radiology, vol. 7, pp. 36-41, 2000.


Kubal, W. S., "Sinonasal imaging: malignant disease.", Semin Ultrasound CT MR, vol. 20, issue 6, pp. 402-25, 1999 Dec.


McKinley, W. O., A. A. Tellis, D. X. Cifu, M. A. Johnson, W. S. Kubal, L. Keyser-Marcus, and J. J. Musgrove, "Rehabilitation outcome of individuals with nontraumatic myelopathy resulting from spinal stenosis.", J Spinal Cord Med, vol. 21, issue 2, pp. 131-6, 1998 Apr.