Many congratulations to our Residents who won first prize at the 2019 Jeanne Deinert GME Scholarly Day Showcase on Tuesday, May 14th, 2019. Dr. Shahad Al Bayati placed first for Resident Clinical Poster and Dr. Michael Craig Larson placed first for Resident Research Poster. Scholarly Day is an annual event hosted by the Office of Graduate Medical Education and is open to all residents/fellows/students across the UA College of Medicine – Tucson.
Resident Clinical Posters
First Place “The Outcomes of Simulation in Resident Breast Imaging Biopsy Techniques”
Shahad Al Bayati, MBBCh (Medical Imaging resident); Martin Dufwenberg; Colin O'Brien; Brian Skidmore; Kimberly Fitzpatrick, MD (Medical Imaging, associate professor), and Marisa Borders, MD (Medical Imaging, associate professor),
Resident Research Posters
First Place “Towards Optical Biopsies: Developing an Optical Biopsy ‘Stain’”
Michael Craig Larson, MD (Medical Imaging resident), Jennifer Barton, PhD (Optical Sciences/BIO5, professor) and Urs Utzinger, PhD (Biomedical Engineering/BIO5, associate professor)