SPEAKER: Diego R. Martin, MD, PhD, FRCPC
TITLE: Biomedical Imaging Sciences and Innovation: Adding Value in a Changing Healthcare System - The Case for MRI
The Department of Medical Imaging is pleased to have Diego Martin, PhD, MD, FRCPC, The Cosden Professor and Chairman, Medical Imaging, presenting at our Grand Rounds on Wednesday, April 5th, in DuVal Auditorium at 12:10 pm.
Dr. Martin’s overarching research aims include the development of technologies and discoveries that have the largest possible impact on patients through the process of improvements in MRI for safer, more accurate and earlier diagnosis of important diseases to yield cost-effective use of MRI for patient care. The major areas of investigation have targeted oncology and transplantation. He has concentrated on MRI techniques for characterization of pathology and pathophysiological processes with emphasis on the development of non-invasive, safe, diagnostic and clinically practical methods for early disease detection or screening, and for characterization of disease with specificity that can supplant traditional x-ray based and invasive tissue histopathology techniques.
There is a strong pressure in our health care system to extract costs while moving to shared-risk payment models. Advanced imaging technologies, particularly CT and MRI, represent a high-level expense and discussion has mostly focused on reduced utilization. In this lecture, Dr. Martin will provide an overarching view, and supporting evidence, on how the paradigm must change in order to make optimal policies and payment models. He will discuss the value proposition of optimized advanced imaging technology, focusing on MRI. He will show how MRI may, in areas of proven value, be underutilized and that optimized implementation, coupled with documentation, can lower overall cost of care delivery and lay the foundation for a new care-delivery payment environment.
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