The Department of Medical Imaging is pleased to have Amanda Liu, DO, (also known as Dr. Wise Money) presenting a personal finance lecture on Wednesday, July 6th, in the College of Medicine, Room 2117, at 12:10 pm.
As Dr. Wise Money (DWM), achieves her financial goals of purchasing a home (MS4), paying off her student loans (PGY1), refinancing her home (PGY1), maxing out retirement savings (PGY2), & now closing on her second home, and on track to becoming retirement-eligible in 7 years (3 years after fellowship completion), she writes about and gives talks on personal finance for doctors, assisting her colleagues to achieve financial success. DMW is a contributor to Physician’s Money Digest. She’s featured in Physician Financial Success Podcast, White Coat Investor and Non-Clinical Doctors.
While DWM/Amanda enjoys the liberating thought of retirement (financial independence) before 40, she most definitely will continue to pursue research and teaching in radiology as medical imaging is her number one passion in addition to raising her daughter, "Mini Wise Money."
You are encouraged to join the 30-day Mindful Financial Practice with DWM @ Dr WiseMoney YouTube Channel.
DWM's publication on Physician's Money Digest: -
College of Medicine, Room 2117