Dedicated Breast Computed Tomography: An Emerging Clinical Imaging Modality

Thu, 05/26/2016 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

The Department of Medical Imaging is pleased to have Srinivasan Vedantham, PhD, FAAPM, presenting at our Grand Rounds on Thursday, May 26th, in COM, Room 2117, at 12:00 pm.

Dr. Srini Vedantham received his PhD degree from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He was an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Emory University and subsequently joined the University of Massachusetts Medical School, where he is currently an Associate Professor of Radiology. He is an NIH-funded investigator and is actively involved in research on breast cancer imaging.  Dr. Vedantham has published over 55 peer-reviewed journal articles and 6 book chapters and has presented over 125 presentations at conferences and meetings. He has served as a continuing education course faculty member at the annual meetings of the Radiological Society of North America and as a scientific program director for the imaging and the imaging in therapy tracks at the annual meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine. He has also served on several NIH peer-review panels. Currently, Dr. Vedantham serves on the Board of Associate Editors for the Medical Physics Journal.




Srinivasan Vedantham, PhD, FAAPM
Event Location: 

College of Medicine – Tucson
Room 2117

Contact Info: 

Mimi Villafane
(520) 626-2114